Simple Paintings. Florian Süssmayr

Simple Paintings
Florian Süssmayr
132 pages
ISBN 978-3-910265-097

About 100 Süssmayr paintings. Assembled in a paperback. Always hardcore.

“Sinister curtains, a Velázquez Jesus, Tom-of-Finland gays, and headline snippets from the Bild newspaper over and over again: blah blah letters as punk rock riffs for synesthetes. By far the most charming artist book in a long time. Also works well as a delirious flip book.” Peter Richter (SZ)

All paintings: oil on canvas, 70 x 50 cm, produced in 2021/22.

Florian Süssmayr is an artist who lives and works in Genoa and Munich.

Watch out: on June 24, “Simple Paintings” will be celebrated with a special limited signed edition at Sorry Square. Sorry and thank you.